3 fa7b2359 2023-05-01 benni All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
5 fa7b2359 2023-05-01 benni The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
6 fa7b2359 2023-05-01 benni and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
8 da8ee0a6 2023-09-01 benni ## [1.3.1] - 2023-09-01
10 da8ee0a6 2023-09-01 benni - Add missing entries in ChangeLog
12 da8ee0a6 2023-09-01 benni ## [1.3] - 2023-09-01
13 da8ee0a6 2023-09-01 benni ### Changed
14 da8ee0a6 2023-09-01 benni - The `-i` option now prints ASCII art instead of spaces
16 da8ee0a6 2023-09-01 benni ## [1.2.4] - 2023-06-08
17 da8ee0a6 2023-09-01 benni ### Changed
18 da8ee0a6 2023-09-01 benni - Minor code style adjustments
19 da8ee0a6 2023-09-01 benni - Fix allocation bug
21 14fd8749 2023-05-30 benni ## [1.2.3] - 2023-05-30
22 da8ee0a6 2023-09-01 benni ### Changed
23 14fd8749 2023-05-30 benni - Better error handling
25 f3229a3c 2023-05-30 benni ## [1.2.2] - 2023-05-30
26 da8ee0a6 2023-09-01 benni ### Changed
27 da8ee0a6 2023-09-01 benni - Remove `-Werror`
29 542928b5 2023-05-30 benni ## [1.2.1] - 2023-05-30
30 542928b5 2023-05-30 benni ### Changed
31 542928b5 2023-05-30 benni - .gitignore
32 542928b5 2023-05-30 benni - Replace bzero(3) with memset(3)
35 542928b5 2023-05-30 benni - Fix handling of CD drives with no CD in them
36 542928b5 2023-05-30 benni - Correct date of manual
38 542928b5 2023-05-30 benni ## [1.2] - 2023-05-17
40 5691dc7b 2023-05-05 benni - Accept "disk" arguments.
41 b0a1b420 2023-05-15 benni - Show RAID disks
42 1678d261 2023-05-15 benni - Show status of RAID disk in "COMMENT"
43 1678d261 2023-05-15 benni - Show status of RAID volume in "COMMENT"
45 5e639d90 2023-05-02 benni - `-a` print all fields
46 0c961f7d 2023-05-04 benni - `-i` don't print fancy unicode characters
47 1115ad3a 2023-05-05 benni - `-U` print the DUID
49 2b650bba 2023-05-04 benni ### Changed
50 1678d261 2023-05-15 benni - Merge "LABEL" and "MOUNT" fields into "COMMENT"
51 2b650bba 2023-05-04 benni because disks can't be mounted but partitions can,
52 2b650bba 2023-05-04 benni and disks can have a label but partitions don't
53 2b650bba 2023-05-04 benni (at least through the disklabel interface).
54 0c961f7d 2023-05-04 benni - Print fancy unicode characters by default.
55 44121ddf 2023-05-05 benni - Use err(3) instead of die()
56 0c422a5b 2023-05-05 benni - Use opendev(3) instead of open(2)
57 4d8e470c 2023-05-15 benni - Sort drives by name
58 7c38b724 2023-05-15 benni - Dynamic padding of output
59 185836d0 2023-05-15 benni - Allow drive names longer than `sd0`, like `vnd0`
61 2b650bba 2023-05-04 benni ### Removed
65 5e639d90 2023-05-02 benni ## [1.1] - 2023-05-02
69 5e639d90 2023-05-02 benni - `-n` don't print header
70 5e639d90 2023-05-02 benni - `-l` print the disk label
71 5e639d90 2023-05-02 benni - `-u` print the filesystem usage
72 fa7b2359 2023-05-01 benni - `make unroot`
74 fa7b2359 2023-05-01 benni ### Changed
75 fa7b2359 2023-05-01 benni - Strip " disk" from d_typename (type column)
77 5e639d90 2023-05-02 benni - Restructured code