2 This project aims to implement a clone of lsblk(8) for OpenBSD.
7 git clone git://stuerz.xyz/openbsd/lsblk
9 # Build & Install lsblk(8).
10 make && doas make install
12 # Optional: Make non-roots be able to run lsblk(8).
17 - It requires root privileges
18 Workaround: `make unroot`
23 - [ ] `lsblk -f duid,size`
24 - [x] Don't use manual padding.
25 - [x] Support disks that have more than 2 letters, like `vnd0`
26 - [x] Sort drives by name
27 - [ ] Add an option to make the output script-friendly (like -c for CSV).
28 - [x] Maybe: Display the child device of a RAID partition
30 - [ ] Explain the exact meaning of every field in lsblk.8
33 If you find any bugs or have suggestions/patches,
34 please contact me at <benni@stuerz.xyz>.