
.gitignorecommits | blame
Makefilecommits | blame
README.mdcommits | blame
input.ccommits | blame
input.hcommits | blame
pathnames.hcommits | blame
scores.ccommits | blame
scores.hcommits | blame
screen.ccommits | blame
screen.hcommits | blame
shapes.ccommits | blame
tetris.6commits | blame
tetris.ccommits | blame
tetris.hcommits | blame

# portable NetBSD tetris
This project attempts to port NetBSD's tetris to as many platforms as possible.
Additionally a few non-portability changes were made.

## Supported Platforms
- OpenBSD >= 7.5
- FreeBSD
- Linux (w/ glibc)

## Dependencies
- libncurses
- libbsd (on Linux)